20 wrz 2012

It's never too late

Nigdy nie jest za późno na publikację.
Moja poprawka do tekstu raportu ENVI została jeszcze w kwietniu zaakceptowana:)), ale niestety niepoprawiona:(


Dear Mr. Puzyna,
Thank you very much for informing us of this misprint. Indeed, „m²“ should be replaced by “m³” in the list of abbreviations on page 5. As you correctly indicate, the conversion factors in the annex correctly list the conversion from ac-ft to m³. However, the authors of the study have checked that the conversion calculations in the study itself have been made correctly.
Best regards,
Lorenzo Vicario

European Parliament
Directorate General for Internal Policies
Directorate A : Economic and Scientific Policy
Rue Wiertz 60, B-1047 Brussels
Office: ATR 00L044

Phone: +32.2.28 42 451
Fax:       +32.2.28 49 002

Sent: 30 March 2012 02:43
To: Poldep-Economy-Science
Subject: Acre foot, Lorenzo VICARIO

Fachabteilung Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftspolitik
Europäisches Parlament
B-1047 Brüssel
E-Mail: Poldep-Economy-Science@europarl.europa.eu

Dear Mr.
The STUDY IP/A/ENVI/ST/2011-07 "Impacts of shale gas and shale oil extraction on the environment and on human health" has a significant error:
"ac-ft acre-foot ( 1 acre foot =1215 m²)" is wrong!
see Page 5 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS, ac-ft acre-foot ( 1 acre foot =1215 m²)

An acre-foot is a unit of volume commonly used in U.S. water management.
At the end of the study (in the ANNEX: CONVERSION FACTORS, Page 88), this error has been corrected.
1 acre-foot (acre ft)  1233.482 m3

This error on the Page 5, could affect the debate, what is the right amount of water consumption in the United States.
Therefore, I propose to correct the error in the file on the Internet.
It's never too late.

Dipl. Ing. Krzysztof Puzyna

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